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Amazing demo for a creepy horror game! The visuals are great:


thank you for playing it!!

You are welcome!


Scary Scuffed Games #257

Vorgeschlagen von: Maskedflow

Visuell und Auditiv wirklich sehr Eindrucksvoll, es gab nur die ein oder andere Stelle wo man nicht klar verstanden hatte was nun zu tun ist, und stellenweise ist es schon wirklich arg dunkel. Die Geschichte ist zwar ein bisschen kryptsich, aber wirklich gut erzählt und insgesamt wirklich sehr hocherwertig. Es zieht sich halt nur manchmal wirklich etwas.


Dito: 4.6/5

Chat: 3.25/5

Gesamt: 3.93/5

hey! Thank you for the review!


Really enjoyed playing something so unique with beautiful haunting artwork. Would love to explore the world of Antonio & Anfiloquio some time again.

thank you!!!


Incredibly made and beautifully illustrated with a creepy unnerving atmosphere. I highly recommend!

wow amazing!! thank you!!!


beautiful game, inside and out. congrats to all involved in its creation.

thank you for playing!


The art in image form and story form is amazing in this game. The music created a perfect environment. It didn't matter that there was no save, I couldn't stop playing. Fantastic job to all involved. I'll be following to see what else that brain of yours comes up with!

Here's my playthrough of the full game:


wow, thank you! ^  ^

(1 edit) (+1)

Increible las animaciones y el ambiente que generan! La banda sonora acompaña de lujo, generando una atmosfera realmente perturbadora. Juegazo.


Greetings, your game looks nice. 😄 Would you be interested in publishing on Steam? We can provide marketing and everything, but we can discuss this matter in a private message.

On twitter: @AsylumGamesOff

On e-mail: 

Our website:

Best regards,

Alexandru Coman.